Monday, January 28, 2008

After watching Hostel, can you ever ride a train again?

Jan Vlasak photo

Remember this guy from Hostel? The sexually-forward Dutchman eating a salad with his fingers on the train to Bratislava. Last night at dinner a couple girls in our group started chatting up these two older guys sitting next to us who were dutch. They were nice enough guys, but it got me wondering whether the actor jan Vlasák from Hostel gets a kick out of riding trains now. I mean, I remember that creepy communist-era train station in Prague and I know I would be freaking out if I saw Jan Vlasak hoping on a train there. What do you think?

Prague Main Train Station

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Plan your backpacking trip now

Students, want to take your first backpacking trip? Miami Herald has provided a quick list of must use website for planning and scheduling your overseas trip.

Remember to plan ahead. Knowing when and where to wing it is essential. You don't want to end up in a small Italian village at dusk with no accomodations and then it starts to rain.

Student Youth and Travel Association (SYTA), 800-509-SYTA,

STA Travel, 800-781-4040,

Contiki, 800-266-8454,

Semester at Sea, 800-854-0195,

Scholar Ship, 410-962-7344,

Rail Europe, 877-257-2887,

Hostelling International, (011-44-1707) 324-170,


EasyJet,, (011-44-870) 600-0000.

Ryanair,, (011-353-1) 249-7791.